Wednesday 6 April 2016


I often find I like the people I like dancing with - the men and the women.  I mean I like their character, what I see or feel of it in or before the dance, depending I suppose on when you think the whole thing starts.  People sometimes say: What do you care if you like them or not? You see them for ten minutes or so and then maybe never again. It's a dance, it's not an emotional relationship.  That's all true I suppose, at least the way they say it but, well, I just do sometimes seem to care. 

When I got back from Buenos Aires last month I read something that Gavito apparently said.  I am not sure about the truth of it:

When you dance with a partner you are close and the dance is very suggestive, but it is not personal…“Close is what the music inspire you to become. The embrace looks personal, but what we are actually embracing is the music.”

I don’t know exactly what Gavito means by “personal”.

Of course in a way, it’s personal.  Sometimes you do become friends with the guys - or girls - you have great dances with, but often you don't see them much or indeed ever again, yet despite that the encounter is still personal - in all ways I think, else, what would be the point?

So much pleasure of so much variety with so many people.  It’s just not lasting in any way.  Perhaps that’s what he meant. But all things, life, love, pleasure and connection are transient and ephemeral - to different degrees - yet no less precious for that, perhaps all the more so.   It reminds me a bit of what they call ethical polyamoury:  the committed partners who honestly and freely go out to take pleasure with others where they find it - and then come home.

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