Sunday 17 July 2016

“I’ll dance with anyone”

I hear some women say this. I hear it quite often.

There are many women who just want to dance, they don't really care with whom. But for me the interest is when someone wants specifically to dance with me - not not with just anyone who will have him or her, not someone who will just move them about.

Girls, did you know guys can often feel when the woman doesn't care that much who she's dancing with, that she just wants to be up on the floor, moving? On the other hand, when the dancers actively choose each other for any of the many reasons individuals do choose each other, nothing could feel clearer. 

1 comment:

  1. "There are many women who just want to dance, they don't really care with whom."

    I believe this is more frequent in places where the dancers have been filtered by classes. Class teachers often require a girl to dance with any and even every other guy in the group, with no regard to her choice and preference. That increases the quit rate amongst girls who do care about who they partner, and decreases the chance a girl will get as far as the real world of the milonga where she'll find her right to choose is respected.
