Friday 14 October 2016

Kindergarten milongas: Custom versus imposition

(Three track tandas II)

“A good custom is surer than law”

Four tracks to a tango tanda I think just emerged in the traditional milongas of Buenos Aires as being the thing that worked best for people who like to dance traditional tango music in the environment best suited for it. That is the difference between the traditional four track tango tanda which came about through custom and the non-traditional three track tandas which are imposed on dancers in kindergarten milongas, whether the dancers like it or no.

There are connections between coercion, control, imposition, "knowing what's best" for the dancers and these sorts of milongas.

1 comment:

  1. F wrote: "...non-traditional three track tandas which are imposed on dancers in kindergarten milongas..."

    Context is key. Three for tango is uniform with milonga and vals... avoiding the problem of classeros getting confused by the number changing for no good reason that they can hear.
