Tuesday 18 October 2016

Kindergarten milongas (three track tandas)

(Three track tandas IV)

A: But surely organisers have done the math and would say of shorter tandas: “No, of course we don’t expect people necessarily to dance with so many but we provide more opportunity for them to dance.”

B: Except that more tandas for a given duration means fewer tracks per tanda and hence LESS choice for anyone who wants the opportunity to dance more tracks per tanda.

"We serve wine in smaller glasses so people get to drink more glasses of wine."

A: Yes, if you don't want to dance four tracks, you can dance three of them - both options are retained yet that possibility is removed from people who like four tracks if you play only three.

Note the controlling trait among such DJs/organisers of knowing what's best for others and its bedfellow "encouraging" dancers to do that "best".  People pay them so of course they must be right.

Three tack tandas obstructs deep connection and tend to attract dancers who only move and never really connect.  That deters good dancers.  

New dances may feel four tracks is a lot - but they need only dance two and because where there are four track tandas there are better dancers, those beginners have a wider and better choice of partners.

Of course, people who like tango tandas in fours can choose to go somewhere else - if there is anywhere else. And it isn't a choice if you've never had the opportunity to experience  in a tanda four tracks over three tracks.  

The key point though: four track tandas allow people to dance three as well.  Three track tandas don't let you dance four! 

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