Thursday 13 June 2024


I still love dancing, I said, but only now when it is the right person, to the right music. 

The difference is, when you are a new woman in the milongas, it can be so exciting.  

I watched a new woman accept a poor dancer, no embrace, all movement. Later, she came back aglow:

Oh, he makes me do things I don't know I can do! 

It is a common refrain. 

Yes, he has danced for many years.

What can you say? Their reality is that it is fun. I often wish I hadn't had my eyes opened quite so fast, that I could have had more time just enjoying the fun, the innocent time. Still, I had a two years of it and that is probably enough.  

There is a phase many women go through, when volcadas and ganchos and colgadas are exhilarating.   And then they can become less fun, or rough or dangerous or forceful. But they aren't always like that.  When they are new and well executed I remember they could be thrilling, though when I fell under a stern eye I couldn't admit it.  Yes, of course they were flashy and presumptuous and removed choice from the woman.  But they don't, always, or sometimes, she is fine with that.

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