Thursday 6 June 2024

"The most effective way to do it is to do it"

I wonder if Nike came up with their logo as a curtailment of Amelia Earheart's "The most effective way to do it, is to do it"

The electrician's mate was saying how few people repair stuff nowadays, yes, even nowadays with the "reduce, reuse, recycle" mantra, how all the repair shops had gone.  This could be because of Youtube, of course. Perhaps more people, not fewer are self taught. 

I am not the slightest bit mechanical, still less electrical. I have to see something to understand it and even then it takes three tellings.   I'd have to look up how to change a plug and try to pass the job on first. But I remember the oven breaking the first time.  I looked up the symptoms, bought an element and installed it.  I've done that since, maybe even twice more. The oven is at least seventeen years old. Nine times out of ten a broken oven is the element, said the electrician.  

Is it dangerous, changing the element, I said belatedly, unnecessarily.  

He paused fractionally while he considered.  He has OCD, apparently, probably a good thing in an electrician.  'No', he said.  

Admittedly, you want to understand more than the gist when doing electrics, but I considered it sensible, not electrics at the time.    

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