Saturday 4 March 2023


 Since forever, in our house an unspoken code, I suppose, has evolved:

A: Would you like some more?

B: Yes. 

A:  Pardon?

B: Yes please.

A: Of course.

It is all I can do to reign in my horror when someone else's child, never mind an adult, forgets their pleases and thank yous. It still shocks me, every time, even after 16 years of responsibility, trying to ensure my own children grow up semi-civilized.


Dad doesn't know this code and dad has never been wrong. Ever, about anything.  He and I were bristling slightly about something or other, hence neither us were quite mastering our manners, but humour fixes a lot.

A: Would you like some cake, dad? 

B: Yes.

A:  Yes what?

B: Yes, lots.

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